In this rush, rush, busy, hurry up world of ours, it is easy to get into overwhelm. Sometimes it feels too hard to stop and spend some quiet time to relax, unwind and find your center. And yet, this is crucial. It is in creating that space that we allow ourselves to feel at peace.
I am often called the “Queen of Busy” because I am a mom to 3 active kids, a business owner, a wife and I also teach communication classes in an MBA program and yet, I rarely feel overwhelmed . So how does the “Queen of Busy” stay out of overwhelm? I start my day by creating a space for peace. I get up early and I start my day sitting in my hot tub. I start my day relaxed and spend time to create my thriving mindset by setting intentions. This allows me to decide how I am going to experience my day. We each get to CHOOSE every moment of every day and how we respond to what is happening to us. I choose to respond in a positive way that allows me to stay connected and focused on how I was to feel and what I want to achieve.
Although the world is filled with negative influences, I avoid being distracted by them. I remain calm and composed because I embrace the influence of quiet time. I have already created my focus for the day, even before it fully begins.
In this article…
Listen to what your heart is telling you
When I stop and listen, I am confident that I can handle whatever happens throughout my day and I am able to stay on course with my intentions. I am confident to rise when I have challenging days or are confronted by difficult people. Calm energy envelops each circumstance and produces positivity. Take the time to Listen to the sounds of your breath and you too will relax. Taking deep breaths in and out will calm your mind and your soul.
Deep breathing produces a quietness that betrays the noise around you. It creates a forcefield that will protects you and gives you a peaceful disposition that aptly tackles the toughest moments.
Be Aligned with your Purpose
Being one with my purpose is important to accepting what life throws your way. When you quietly accept who you are, there are very few things that will be able to rattle your nerves. You will respond to people, projects, circumstances with an enthusiasm that you may not have known was even possible. Let that out! Let your purpose and your gifts shine on everyone around you.
Today, give yourself some downtime to enjoy connecting with self, family and friends, your environment and NOTICE how you feel. You can connect to this sense of calm and ease whenever you choose. Approach life from a place of peace and calm and you will experience how much easier and in the flow you can be even when you are very BUSY.
So here is my last question to you?
What do you do to achieve some quiet time when you are constantly on the go?